Scaling up Green Finance Practices - a climate resilient Cook Islands via private sector investment

Delivered by the Bank of the Cook Islands enabled with Readiness funding support from the Green Climate Fund, and in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce, BCI conducted across two days, Monday 15th January 2024 & Tuesday 16th January 2024 in Rarotonga Cook Islands, a series of four workshops.

BCI brought together a total number of 103 participants (68% female, 32% male) from executing entities, civil society organizations, government and private sector to learn about climate finance and input into BCIs own aspirations, alongside our own BCI team. The four workshops were developed to deliver on set GCF deliverables as part of BCI’s activities to gain accreditation for GCF on lending. Participant feedback surveys revealed BCI achieved the learning objectives established, a positive shift in participant understanding of the topics, and most importantly recommended areas of action for BCI to scale up actions in green finance practices and projects.

Special thanks goes to our partners Green Climate Fund, the Pacific-Community-SPC and the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce. In particular, our presenters from SPC who travelled from New Caledonia to actively participate in person. A kind thank you to our guest speakers from GCF, Climate Change Cook Islands, CICoC, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme - SPREP and the presenters from Fiji Development Bank who travelled from Fiji to participate. We wish to acknowledge our consultants Vaine Nooana-Arioka, Anna Glassie & Rebecca Tavioni in producing this report and videographer Tayla Beddoes.

